Yes, I get it, you’re a douche

I get a kick out of douchebags sometimes. Yesterday I took Chet for a run and came across one, and I kind of brushed it off, but then tonight it happened again, so I thought it was worth sharing.

Yesterday, on our run, we were coming up on Franklin, and some douche was pulled up through the cross walk. I apologize to everyone who uses the crosswalk, because I’m always all up on it while I’m driving too, but it is incredibly annoying when on foot. After we walked around him onto Broadway and got passed him, the light turned. Like a douche, he peels out of there. It’s like, ok, I get it, you’re a douche. Clearly, by the fact that you drive a shitty old pickup with tires that are four times too big. (Something I never understood. Seriously, it doesn’t look cool. It looks stupid). The peel out was just redundant. I didn’t need MORE proof that he was a douche. Do guys think this impresses girls? For real? Awhile back, this guy I know peeled out from a spot as we were all walking to our cars to head to a different place. In a sports car. Major douche move. I honestly can’t decide what’s worse, peeling out in a sports car (when you’re not 16 years old), or doing it in a shitty old truck with monster tires. Tough call.

I don’t know, maybe I’m just the only girl in the world who isn’t impressed by things like this….

best week ever

Apparently I never have anything positive to say, so here goes. 🙂

This week has been one of the best weeks ever. Starting Friday night, I was on vacation for a week and so far it’s been a blast. It started with Catfish Days Friday night, basically just dancing it out and drinking beer. One of my favorite things. Then I headed to Madison to see Missy! We checked out Art on the Square, which pretty much made me wish I had lots of money and a big house so I could actually buy their stuff. It also made me wish I was artistic at all… some of the stuff the artists made was just amazing. I can’t even imagine dreaming up something like that. We tried to go to the zoo, and we managed for awhile, but then my sunburn wouldn’t cooperate so we avoided being outside for awhile. At night we went to a comedy club, and in total, it was a really good show. One of my favorite was when an act was describing the difference between a slut and a whore. (Because seriously, they’re not the same!) Whores are capitalists and sluts are just socialists. Think about it. So true!

Art on the Square

On my way to Eau Claire on Tuesday, I got to stop and see Kayla, Andrew, and baby Nathan. He’s such a little cutie! I hadn’t seen Kayla for a few months so it was nice to catch up with her and see her new little family member, and new house. Makes me wish I didn’t live so far away though. Tuesday I was also finally reunited with Lisa after 9 months of not seeing her! Lisa, Liz, and I hit the fan deck at the Express Game, and even though the Express lost, we had a great time. Basically you can’t go wrong with the best seats in the house and free food/drinks and friends. It was so nice to catch up with Liz too since it’s been way too long! Afterwards, Lisa and I hit the town with John and Taylor. The night brought with it some awesome quotes that just solidified how much I love and missed Lisa. Here’s a few of the gems:

“Fuck boys, let’s do shots!” (Our motto for the night, but in reality, we didn’t do many shots)

“Last time I was here I was too drunk to walk up the st-” and then a crash and I get beer spilled all over me as Lisa trips going up the stairs at GI.

“I’m so sorry that we’re so attractive and funny and smart that it intimidates you.” (On why we’re still single)

“I used to think, ‘What kind of girl could do that to someone else?’ And now I realize, oh, right, me.”

“Somehow I became THAT girl.”

Love this view

Wednesday morning I got up and went for a run around Phoenix Park and downtown Eau Claire. Afterwards I hit up the farmers market and got some strawberries and chilled on a bench for awhile. I could seriously have sat there all day. Just reminded me how much I love that city and Phoenix Park. My heart is just so happy whenever I’m there.

❤ always home to me

Since I’ve been back home, I’ve been able to relax a little and hang out with my niece. Wednesday night I went for a nice run and long walk to clear my head a little. I missed how I’m able to do that here where it’s actually quiet.

hanging out with Addison

Tomorrow night is Michelle’s bachelorette party and Saturday is her bridal shower. Super pumped!

some things never change

I just read back something I wrote after the first of the year…. basically recapping how my 2010 was so ridiculous and how I wanted 2011 to be different. 2011 was going to be my year. Well, so far, nothing has changed. My 2011 has been just as ridiculous as 2010 was. I started out 2011 intent on making some major changes, but as that usually goes, things never panned out. I started the year just getting over mono, which knocked me out basically from August-December, definitely a fun time. My punishment for doing something I shouldn’t. Fucking karma. I spent New Year’s Eve alone (besides Chet, of course), because the weather ruined any driving plans I had, and because I agreed to meet someone to give them keys to their apartment on Jan 1st (lesson learned). January 1st marked the one year anniversary of me living in Winona, so that just made me weepy and sad, thinking of how I missed all my friends and how much of a shit show 2010 was. Needless to say, I started 2011 in a downer mood. The night of January 1st was my way to get all the icky feelings out, and I made the best of it, blacking out for the first time. A great way to welcome the new year, if you ask me. I spent the first few months of the year in a crap mood, stressed to the max from school and life in general. I got sick again. And then once I got over it, I got sick again. Most recently, I got tonsillitis, then got sick from the antibiotics they gave me to help it, then once I stopped those, 2 days later I got the worst sunburn of my life. That is the way things have gone for me this year. Fuuuuuuuck. Even if 2011 hasn’t exactly been “my year” as I wanted it to be, I can’t say that’s it’s been all that bad. I met some amazing new people that I’m so glad are a part of my life. I closed several chapters of my life that I’d been holding onto, as well as completely erasing someone who just couldn’t let go, even though I had years ago. This year brought so much happiness into the lives of my friends and family, as many got engaged or welcomed new little ones into their lives. I became an aunt this year, something that makes me so happy. Yes, I’ve made bad decisions. Yes, I’ve had too much fun sometimes. Yes, I realize that compared to others my age, I’m maybe not where I should be. BUT, I’m happy where I am and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. Someday I’ll grow up and make better choices and want what other people want, but for now, I just wanna have fun. Maybe things this year haven’t exactly gone my way, but I’ll take the messy. Who knows, maybe 2012 will be my year.